For the GDPR to be applicable to a certain processing, the processing must fall within both the material and the geographical scope. In addition to this, there are certain exemptions when the GDPR is not applicable. If one or more exemptions are at hand, either all of the GDPR or certain articles of the GDPR are not applicable to the processing.


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The acquisition of HeroBase by Enreach is a strategic and well-considered decision that will not only help facilitate our customers’ growth, but also the growth of the entire group in the area of contact centers. CX Today reports on the latest GDPR compliance news from around the globe. Read more stories, reviews and market analysis on #GDPR #Compliance HeroBase leverer smarte, fleksible løsninger, som opfylder alle jeres behov inden for salg, service og markedsføring. Vores mission er at gøre dine medarbejdere til Heroes.

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HeroBase er en dansk IT-virksomhed, som leverer kontaktcentersoftware og marketing automation software til virksomheder i ind- og udland. General Data Protection Regulation Statement (SEAS-GDPR-01). The new European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into effect on the 25th of  Is HeroBase GDPR compliant? Yes, HeroBase is GDPR and ISO27001 compliant. As part of our Information Security Management System, our solutions and  Vårt webbverktyg GDPR Hero hjälper dig och din verksamhet att enkelt anpassa dig till GDPR och EU:s nya dataskyddsförordning och dataskyddslag. Som bekant gäller GDPR vid all behandling av personuppgifter.

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Enreach Acquires Danish Company HeroBase. Ian Taylor. Instant creation of a one-stop-shop by adding marketing and sales automation.

Herobase gdpr

For HeroBase var både GDPR-krav samt større efterspørgsel på ISAE3402 dokumentation en anledning til at få struktureret og dokumenteret virksomhedens arbejde effektivt inden for informationssikkerhed. Processen blev igangsat med stor ledelsesmæssig opbakning, og som en strategisk indsats.

Herobase gdpr

The Only Multi-Channel Sales Solution Your Business Needs HeroBase provides smart, flexible solutions that meet all your sales, service and marketing objectives. Our mission is to make Heroes out of your employees.

2020-09-03 The Only Multi-Channel Sales Solution Your Business Needs. HeroBase provides smart, flexible solutions that meet all your sales, service and marketing objectives.
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Herobase gdpr

The Only Multi-Channel Sales Solution Your Business Needs HeroBase provides smart, flexible solutions that meet all your sales, service and marketing objectives. Our mission is to make Heroes out of your employees.

HeroBase tillhandahåller smarta, flexibla lösningar som uppfyller alla dina öskemål för försäljning, service och marknadsföring.
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dataansvarlige (vores kunder) og databehandler (HeroBase), og hvordan løsningen Hero Outbound gennem funktioner til bl.a. understøttelse af datasubjekternes rettigheder, understøtter vores kunder (de dataansvarlige) i at leve op til GDPR, for så vidt angår deres aktiviteter i Hero Outbound.

As part of our Information Security Management System, our solutions and all aspects related to the delivery of them – from all technical and organizational measures to the entire value chain – are reviewed annually by external, independent IT auditors based on the ISAE 3402 and ISAE 3000 audit standards. To make it easy to comply with GDPR we added rule-based autodelete of Data Compliance.This covers both consumer Data Compliance and call recordings if used. The automation rules can be set per project or globally for all your activities. Den enda Multi-Channel Plattform som ditt företag behöver.

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om fotografi susan sontag ger dig företagsinformation om HeroBase Sweden AB, 556810-7600. Hitta adress på karta, kontaktinfo, nyckeltal och befattningar.

How GDPR will affect the call center and telemarketing industry (@Herobasecom) | Twitter. Nationella nyheter  GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation – Vad innebär det för dig som kund? Den 25 maj 2018 trädde en ny dataförordning – GDPR – i kraft inom hela EU. Tell: – Christoffer Granström. How GDPR will affect the call center and telemarketing industry (@Herobasecom) | Twitter.  Vår hantering av personuppgifter. Nordkrim AB, 556826-5176, värnar om individens personliga integritet och strävar efter att skydda allas personuppgifter  GDPR.

In the IntraManager Work app, employees can quickly get a clear overview of their shifts – all divided on a weekly and monthly basis. Employees can get an overview of their upcoming shifts, see information about them and sign up for vacant shifts – also several months into the future.

Introduktionen af GDPR speedede hele processen op, og Kenny kastede sig ud i et ambitiøst projekt. Vad kan GDPR Hero hjälpa till med? GDPR Hero är ett användarvänligt webbverktyg som är skapat av jurister. Verktyget ger er en möjlighet att planera och redovisa all behandling av personuppgifter på ett och samma ställe, för att enkelt kunna följa GDPR och kommunicera detta till samarbetspartners, anställda och kunder.

Our mission is to make Heroes out of your employees. HeroBase offers a unique proposition of smart, flexible and multichannel sales solutions for medium to large enterprises and will operate independently while benefitting from the strong synergies of the bigger group. The company will carry on being based in Copenhagen, Denmark. HeroBase also successfully launched its integrated payments service, Hero Payments, in 2018. With a headcount of 40 employees, Herobase is today in a strong position to support growth of outbound communications, through its full GDPR-compliant solution, which integrates all communication flows and supports a deeper engagement with customers.